Welcome friends!

This is an introductory guide and companion to my mini-course, All Things Cannabis. It’s an overview of growing, medicine making, and physiology – and features webinars, short articles, FAQs from my programs, and of course some pictures.

My goal is to help you


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Hi, I’m Tammi

I first became fascinated with the healing power of cannabis in 2004 when I decided to grow my first plant to see what all the fuss was about this powerful herbal ally. This first plant ended up getting fully seeded and cut down way too early. The first time I heard a helicopter fly I got so scared I went out in the dark and cut her down. Sitting with this powerful being was the moment when I realized I needed to play a role in bringing her back into the Western Herbal Apothecary.

Since then I’ve traveled around the world lecturing, written a book and created 3 in-depth online classes to help people become independent and successful in their work with this amazing plant.

So welcome to my guide to all things cannabis.

Before getting more into this guide I wanted to share a little bit about me and my journey from actively opposed to cannabis use AT ALL, to writing a book and teaching interactive online programs about cannabis.

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As a physiology instructor and lecturer, I work with hundreds of students each year to empower them to understand their own bodies and HOW and WHY medicine works.

My relationship with Cannabis began late in my life. My first exploration with her as medicine began when I had severe menstrual cramps due to what we later learned were fibroids.

I had tried every intervention when Aviva Romm recommended I make a tincture with Cannabis and a few other herbs.

No, the story doesn’t end with the painful cramps stopping with Cannabis tincture. It had me feeling more altered than I already was due to the extreme pain (I mean extreme. Vomiting, fetal position for 18 hours kinda pain). I decided I didn’t want to feel more altered so shelved the tincture.

But it got me thinking.

I trusted my colleague. I trusted the plant, even though I didn’t know her very well. I got curious. Thus began my journey of combing the science journals, and attending medical cannabis conferences so i could get direction and learn from the leaders in the field.

For years researchers were reluctant to take a deep and serious look at the medicinal benefits of cannabis, but now study after study is showing some of the profound ways this much-maligned plant can bring comfort and healing.

I had been teaching anatomy and physiology for 31 years – and it became clear to me there was a need to deepen my research and teaching on cannabis and more specifically the physiology of how it works.

In 2014 I started focusing on teaching more specific and advanced topics, and the research about the Endocannabinoid system & cannabis was starting to have an impact on the wider culture. I knew very little about the healing benefits of cannabis and her impact on our well-being.

After experiencing, researching, and learning the true healing power of this plant and the receptivity and hunger for knowledge from the herbal community, I decided this information needed to become more in-depth training to help people really understand this plant, beyond the myths and simple lack of real information about her as a true healing ally.

That’s when I started working on my book with Storey Publishing, the Wholistic Healing Guide to Cannabis.

The programs referenced in this guide are the culmination of this work, and where I share more as I continue to dedicate myself to the research.


If learning more about cannabis in these ways is part of your path, I hope you’ll join me and the other students in my programs!

~ Tammi