<aside> 🌱 Welcome to the sponsorship page where you will find all the details about becoming a sponsor and how you can represent your business to our audience at the 2024 Plant Cunning Conference.

Your donation will be supporting the Plant Cunning mission of building local and global resiliency by connecting with Nature, the healing arts, and each other.

We have thousands of dedicated Plant Cunning Podcast listeners and about 150-200 live attendees of the upcoming in-person conference, July 26-28th, 2024 at our farm in the beautiful Central New York who will love to learn about your business.

Our inaugural conference last year was a huge success and sold out. It was a magical time with incredible people and speakers full of heart centered sharing and wisdom. Help us make it happen again!


Why become a sponsor?

All Sponsorships Include

Sponsorship Levels:

Oak Sponsor



Be like the oak, solid, supportive, standing tall. This includes everything listed in prior level plus:

Rose Sponsor



Open your hearts like the blooming rose. This includes everything listed in prior level plus:

Dandelion Sponsor



Help us make our wishes come true by spreading the love like dandelion seeds in the wind! This includes:

Ready to sign-up?

→ Click here to signup as a sponsor


Click on the arrows below to view the answer.

How many people will be learning about my business?

Who is the audience and where do they come from?

Can I change or upgrade sponsorships?

How do I pay?