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Building a website can be overwhelming if your head is swirling with ideas – and the MVW model is a quick solution.

Here’s how it works.

  1. Start by building the website features you need right now to start getting results right now.
  2. These initial results gives you momentum (and funds) to continue building out other ideas.

This is a really helpful framework to review when deciding what pages you’ll be working on right now.

It’s what Maple’s iterative growth model is all about ;-)

This is called a Minimum Viable Website – borrowed from the product design acronym, MVP.

💻 Minimum Viable Website

  1. Choose features that provide value to readers right away
  2. Publish content so readers can answer their questions and know, like, and trust you.
  3. Provide a clear offer you can followup with them about.

That last point is important – and for a website this typically involves subscribing to your email list. If you have their email then you are able to follow up.

Reflection Questions